Rae LaPlaca
LMT, Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, & Reiki Practitioner

Lymphatic Massage & Post-Op Care

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle modality that is applied to the skin, where the lymphatic vessles are, and acts as a pump to support the natural flow of lymphatic fluid through the body's exstensive network of vessles. This approach is useful for moving fluid that caused swelling and stiffness in one's tissues. 

This is a great treatment for those who want an immune boost, have poor circulation, or congestion in the face and head.

Swelling is an important part of the healing process, and the first sign that the body is repairing itself after injury and surgery.

If you are planning to have a surgery, cosmetic or other wise, lets talk!

If you decide to purchase a package of 3 post-Op lymphatic drainage sessions, you will recieve a FREE phone consultation prior to your first session.